Program Format:
Information Workshop (1 hour)
5 week self directed learning with weekly sleep diary feedback
Who should attend?
People who want to improve their sleep using proven tools and therapies.
You will set goals and make an action plan. It is recommended that you take the Alberta My Way to Health workshop to learn more about improving
How do you get in to the program?
You can self-refer by calling 403.314.3297 or obtain a referral from your RDPCN family doctor.
When you self-refer consider having a friend registered with you as this can provide support for positive change.
If you are already seeing a RDPCN nurse, psychologist, mental health counsellor, recreation therapist or pharmacist you can ask them about a referral.
Your commitment:
Make the course a priority. Your participation and energy focused on positive change. Ability to self manage progress through an on-line course.