Jen’s physician recommended that she take Health Basics. Jen has four children and after each one she added another 10 pounds. Living a very busy life was one contributor to her poor eating habits. She loved to snack and not on the healthy foods.
When she attended Health Basics in August, it struck her that she was taking some of the very basics of health for granted. She rarely chose water to drink, took time for exercise or to eat breakfast. When she finally had her children all tucked in, she had a few minutes to herself. This often led to much longer times and late and irregular bedtimes.
Health Basics gave her an opportunity to put herself first. She is still working on increasing the intake of water, she is exercising for at least 150 minutes each week and really enjoying it. A few of her girlfriends have joined her back at the gym which is always a fun and motivating outing. Jen shared that sometimes she doesn’t really feel like exercising but she puts on her runners to go for 5 minutes and before she knows it she has been active for a half an hour. She finds by eating breakfast every day, she is able to snack less and choose healthier foods when she snacks. She is eating more vegetables, trying to have them fill half her plate at each meal.
Jen has started to lose some weight, has a lot more energy, and no longer needs multiple cups of coffee to get moving. She thanks her husband for his strong support. She is very proud of her progress. The Health Basics coach commented on her impressive efforts and results and some peers have told her she looks great. Jen sees the next step in her self-care journey is taking the RDPCN Anxiety to Calm workshop. Jen knows living healthy sets her up as an important role model for her family.