Anxiety to Calm Relaxation Resources
- Neuroplasticity by Sentis (youtube link)
- Dan Siegel’s hand model of the brain (youtube link)
- Meditation 8- The Three Minute Breathing Space; Mark Williams and Danny Penman (audio)
- Progressive Muscle Relaxation-; Hobart and William Smith Colleges (audio)
- The Body Scan Practice: Spoken by Dr. Elisha Goldstein(audio)
- Present Moment Spoken by Stewart Adams (audio)
- Label and Let Go Spoken by Stewart Adams (audio)
- Acceptance of What Is Spoken by Stewart Adams (audio)
- Loving Kindness; Newbie Yoga (audio)
- Self Compassion Break; Kristin Neff (audio)
- 5-4-3-2-1- Mindfulness Grounding by Billy Cross (youtube link)
- Guided Meditation Safe Place (audio)